For more information on routes and timetables, you can contact the 210 418 800 helpline or use the form available on the Apoio ao Passageiro page on the website.
You can join our WhatsApp, Instagram and X (Twitter) channels to stay informed.
The journey to Freeport got easier. Find out about the different lines and stops that serve the mall and access essential tools with real-time information that will allow you to plan your trips efficiently and conveniently.
4501 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Montijo (Terminal Fluvial)
4504 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Montijo (Terminal Fluvial) via Atalaia e Passil
4600 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Barreiro (Terminal) via Samouco *
*New route with direct connection between Montijo terminal and Alcochete (Freeport) via São Francisco
Alcochete (Av Euro 2004) Freeport
4501 | Alcochete (Av Euro 2004) Freeport
4504 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Montijo (Terminal Fluvial) via Atalaia e Passil
4510 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Montijo (Terminal Rodoviário)
4511 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Montijo (Terminal Rodoviário) via Samouco
4512 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Setúbal (ITS) via Alto Estanqueiro
4513 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Pinhal Novo
4600 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Barreiro (Terminal) via Samouco
4702 | Lisboa (Oriente) - Valbom
4703 | Lisboa (Oriente) - Montijo (Terminal Rodoviário) via Alcochete e Samouco
4704 | Atalaia - Lisboa (Oriente)
Alcochete (Av Euro 2004) Freeport
4501 | Alcochete (Av Euro 2004) Freeport
4504 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Montijo (Terminal Fluvial) via Atalaia e Passil
4510 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Montijo (Terminal Rodoviário)
4511 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Montijo (Terminal Rodoviário) via Samouco
4512 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Setúbal (ITS) via Alto Estanqueiro
4513 | Alcochete (Freeport) - Pinhal Novo
4702 | Lisboa (Oriente) - Valbom
4703 | Lisboa (Oriente) - Montijo (Terminal Rodoviário) via Alcochete e Samouco
4704 | Atalaia - Lisboa (Oriente)
The official Carris Metropolitana website offers a way of viewing timetables, including real-time information. Available in the ‘Viajar’ menu, the tool allows you to filter information by municipality and line, offering multiple functionalities that make it easier to plan journeys.
Real-time refers to the bus's estimated arrival time, and you can see the approximate location of the next vehicle. This information will appear in green, as you can see in the example below:
In addition to the real-time tool, the Carris Metropolitana network is also available on different journey planning platforms such as Google Maps, Citymapper, Moovit and Apple Maps.
To access these features, simply use the app for mobile devices or the website of your preferred planner.
For more information on routes and timetables, you can contact the 210 418 800 helpline or use the form available on the Apoio ao Passageiro page on the website.
You can join our WhatsApp, Instagram and X (Twitter) channels to stay informed.